Alimba for your workplace

Create a healthier, happier team

Why Alimba for your workplace?

Healthy team members are happy and productive team members.

Wellness should be a key pillar of every workplace. Encouraging and providing space for your employees to be their healthiest & happiest selves is beneficial not only for the employee - but for your workplace.

We are the perfect fit

Our founder Ali is a lawyer by background. She has worked across multiple big corporations, including law firms and big-4 multi-national consulting firms. She understands how important wellness is to employees working long hours, often seated at their desks.

Maria has worked across multiple large mining sites across Australia, including as a Health Coordinator, encouraging fitness and exercise across these workplaces.

Ali & Maria have both seen how a well implemented health and wellness program can benefit workplaces and are passionate about bringing the Alimba method to as many workplaces as possible.

What Alimba can do for you

Online workouts - anytime, anywhere

You aren't limited by employees being in the office or available to come in early for a weekly run or bootcamp. Employees can take classes at home, from the gym or even in a group at work.

Weekly scheduling

Every week is programmed for our members. This means that each week, everyone is doing the same workouts - creating a fantastic sense of community.

The workouts are fresh every week - keeping members engaged and motivated.


Looking to take your employee wellness to the next level? We also offer in-house workshops/webinars with your team to share up-to-date knowledge on fitness & wellness to get your team living their best lives.
Class Styles

Check out the Styles & Schedule page for more info