Lifespan vs. Healthspan

Healthspan has been a new buzz word in the health and wellness space recently. And for good reason.
We all know what your lifespan is - the number of years you will live in your life.
Healthspan - is the number of years in your life that you live healthy and free from disease.
There is no doubt that modern medicine and lifestyles have improved our lifespans, however your healthspans are incredibly important - and are somewhat within your control.
Looking at factors in your life such as exercise, sleep and nutrition can all contribute to extending your healthspan. To ensure that you are able to play with your grandkids, and do all the activities that you love when you are older.
One of the best things you can do for improving your healthspan, is to ensure that you have a focus on building muscle in your fitness routine. With no intervention, you can lose up to 50% of your muscle lass by the age of 80. This will likely have huge impacts on your quality of life (not to mention can raise your risk of all cause mortality, thus potentially decreasing your lifespan).
It is never too early or too late to start focusing on your healthspan. Your future self will thank you.